The qualification criteria for this offer is set by the casino, not URComped. Not everyone that requests an offer will qualify. URComped can generally pre-qualify players based on offer images within 2 business days (and often within a couple of hours). Unless specified cannot be combined with other offers.Play history provided by Player’s casino host.Images of complimentary room + free play offers from land-based casinos.*An invitation to a certificate event at a casino can be accepted in lieu of the actual certificate. Comp cruise certificates offered from land-based casinos.Images of complimentary cruise offers directly from the cruise line’s casino department.
If there is no tracked play history with the casino or URComped to consider, qualification for this offer will be evaluated based on one or more of the following: Rated play from previous trips with this casino, any of the casino’s affiliated brands, or from previous URComped trip(s) will initially be used to determine if a player qualifies for this offer. The URComped team is excited to work with you! *Players requesting their first URComped trip will be required to upload images of valid casino offers to pre - qualify.